DJHS don't forget to get your yearbook ordered. They are $48 and we only have a limited amount to sell. You can pay in the front office and they will be delivered in May.
5 days ago, Kylene Skipworth
DJHS Parents- The Jr High track meet in Plainview has been canceled for today. They are trying to reschedule it for tomorrow (Wednesday 3/5)
8 days ago, Kylene Skipworth
Counselor's Week
about 1 month ago, Kylene Skipworth
Counselor's week
Join us in the DJHS Library
3 months ago, Kylene Skipworth
Join us in the DJHS Library
Attention DJHS Basketball parents: The Girls B team games against Canyon will be held at Dumas Intermediate School due to a water leak in the middle gym.
4 months ago, Kylene Skipworth
Congradulations to Dumas JH Choir students who made the All-Region Choirs 2024. Soprano 1 Kylee Walters 8th Grade Treble Choir Soprano 1 Preciosa Carbajal 8th Grade Treble Choir Alto 1 Zailyn Olivarez 7th Grade Treble Choir Alto 1 Camila Gonzalez 7th Grade Choir Tenor 2 Alex Marquez Tenor Bass Choir
5 months ago, Kylene Skipworth
DJHS Spirit Week for Homecoming Tuesday: Beat up on the them Bulldogs- Fake injury/ western day Wednesday: Put the Bulldogs to Sleep- PJ day Thursday: Send the Bulldogs Packing- Anything but a Backpack/ Twin Day Friday: Demon Pride Day! 7th dress in Black, 8th dress in Orange, and Staff wear white. Students can wear face paint as long as it's not covering their whole face. Mums and garters are ok, but cannot be delivered to the school. All days are free. No tights. Cannot bring anything alive to be their backpack.
6 months ago, Kylene Skipworth
Dumas JH Choir Fundraiser Order Forms are Due September 3rd, 2024. Please turn all your money and order forms into Mr. Shore in the Envelopes provided. Thanks Parents for all your help and support. Ken Shore, Choir Director
7 months ago, Kylene Skipworth
Jr. High parents, the employee parking lots are not a pick up or drop off point. You may use the front entrance or the streets. Have a great day.
7 months ago, Kylene Skipworth
Due to unsafe driving conditions, school will be cancelled Tuesday January 9, 2024. Classes will resume on Wednesday. Stay safe!
about 1 year ago, DISD
No school Tuesday January 9, 2024
We are THANKFUL for the opportunity to get to work with our students! Enjoy a much needed break!
over 1 year ago, Jennifer Mills
Happy Thanksgiving
Dear DISD Family, We hope this message finds you well. We want to inform you of a special arrangement for Thursday, November 9th, to address the current shortage of substitute teachers/staff and accommodate those wishing to attend the Bi-District Playoff Football Game in Snyder, TX. On Thursday, November 9th, all students will be released early at 1:00 p.m. An early release will allow families to attend the game and enjoy this exciting event. Please make necessary arrangements for your child's transportation or supervision following their early release. We want to emphasize that while students will be dismissed at 1:00 p.m., our dedicated staff will remain on campus until 1:45 p.m. to ensure a smooth transition for our students and to complete any necessary administrative tasks. We appreciate your understanding and support in these unique circumstances. Thank you for being a part of the DISD family, and we look forward to seeing you at the BiDistrict Playoff Football Game in Snyder. Don't hesitate to contact your child's campus principal if you have questions or need further information. Sincerely, Monty Hysinger Superintendent, Dumas ISD
over 1 year ago, DISD
Early dismissal Thursday November 9, 2023 at 1:00 PM
Please turn in all fundraiser forms for Choir by August 31!!! Thank you for your participation.
over 1 year ago, Jennifer Mills
The first day of the new school year is August 15...that's two weeks away!! Now is the time to start looking at the district and school website for important information. We can NOT wait to see you!
over 1 year ago, Jennifer Mills
August 16
We're thrilled to announce the new app for Dumas ISD! It's everything Dumas ISD, in your pocket. Download for Android Download for iPhone
almost 2 years ago, DISD
"It's everything Dumas ISD, in your pocket." News, Events, Documents, Staff, Alerts, and Dining.
Your 2021 Amarillo Relays Champions! Great job to our student athletes and coaching staff!! 1st- Dumas:121 Nefi broke the 1600 M record by 6.45 seconds with a 5:02.8, the record was a 5:09.33. Ivan Nava broke the 800M record. He ran a 2:12.9 and the record was a 2:14.12.
almost 2 years ago, DISD
DJHS Track Team
DJHS Track
DJHS Track
7th & 8th grade Emergent Bilingual students were rewarded with a trip to watch some Demonette Soccer today! Thank you Coach Ruiz for your investment in your students!
almost 2 years ago, DISD
Jr High Students at soccer game
Cultural Celebration at DJHS was a huge success, again!! This special event was hosted by 7th and 8th grade newcomers from Mr. Ruiz and Mrs. Cox’s classes!!
about 2 years ago, DISD
Cultural Celebration
Student with cultural display
Student with cultural display
Student with cultural display
Student with cultural display
Student with cultural display
Student with cultural display
Student with cultural display