The Dumas High School class of 2024 graduation ceremony will be live-streamed on the DISD YouTube channel @dumasisd. The live stream will start around 5:00 PM and the ceremony will start at 5:30 PM weather permitting.
10 months ago, DISD
a picture of a graduating class throwinf their hats up into the air
If you missed the final deadline for the yearbook, it is not too late! You may still order a 2024 Yearbook. You will need to have the yearbook shipped directly to your home, and you will be responsible for the additional shipping charge. Visit for more info.
10 months ago, DISD
It is not too late to purchase your 2024 Yearbook. If you missed the deadline, you may still order a yearbook. Your yearbook will not be included in the bulk, free shipping order, so you will be responsible for the additional shipping charges and the book will be shipped directly to your home.   Go to:  Enter our school’s passcode: 1016527386631995  Select Ship to home  Your will pay the additional shipping charges Price: $50.00 + shipping
Only one week left to order your DHS 2024 yearbook! Friday May 17th is the final day to order.
10 months ago, DISD
Dumas High Shool 2024 yearbook. It's not too late to purchase your 2024 yearbook. Go to and enter our schools passcode. Price is $50.00 and order deadline is May 17, 2024.
🎓 Don't miss out on the memories! Senior yearbooks are still available for purchase and customization. Parents and students 13 years or older can order theirs now: 1️⃣ Visit: 2️⃣ Enter school passcode: 1016527386631995 Create custom pages by April 12. 📚 Regular price: $50.00 #SeniorYear #YearbookMemories #ClassOf2024
about 1 year ago, DISD
🎓 Don't miss out on the memories! Senior yearbooks are still available for purchase and customization. Parents and students 13 years or older can order theirs now:  1️⃣ Visit: 2️⃣ Enter school passcode: 1016527386631995  Create custom pages by April 12. 📚 Regular price: $50.00  #SeniorYear #YearbookMemories #ClassOf2024
Due to unsafe driving conditions, school will be cancelled Tuesday January 9, 2024. Classes will resume on Wednesday. Stay safe!
about 1 year ago, DISD
No school Tuesday January 9, 2024
The Dumas vs Decatur bi-district playoff football game will be broadcast live on the @DumasISD YouTube channel starting at 7:00 PM on Thursday Nov. 9th.
over 1 year ago, DISD
Demon Football Live!
Dear DISD Family, We hope this message finds you well. We want to inform you of a special arrangement for Thursday, November 9th, to address the current shortage of substitute teachers/staff and accommodate those wishing to attend the Bi-District Playoff Football Game in Snyder, TX. On Thursday, November 9th, all students will be released early at 1:00 p.m. An early release will allow families to attend the game and enjoy this exciting event. Please make necessary arrangements for your child's transportation or supervision following their early release. We want to emphasize that while students will be dismissed at 1:00 p.m., our dedicated staff will remain on campus until 1:45 p.m. to ensure a smooth transition for our students and to complete any necessary administrative tasks. We appreciate your understanding and support in these unique circumstances. Thank you for being a part of the DISD family, and we look forward to seeing you at the BiDistrict Playoff Football Game in Snyder. Don't hesitate to contact your child's campus principal if you have questions or need further information. Sincerely, Monty Hysinger Superintendent, Dumas ISD
over 1 year ago, DISD
Early dismissal Thursday November 9, 2023 at 1:00 PM
Freshman, sophomore, and junior retakes will be tomorrow, October 10th in the auditorium. If you were absent on picture day or if you are new to our school since picture day, please plan to have your picture taken tomorrow. Also, if you want to retake the picture that was taken in August, there will be a $10.00 charge and you must return your picture packet on the day of retakes.
over 1 year ago, DISD
If you can't make it to the game tonight...Watch Demon Football vs Randall live on YouTube @DumasISD
over 1 year ago, DISD
Demon Football Live!
Dumas Demons take on El Paso Austin live on YouTube now. @DumasISD
over 1 year ago, DISD
Ratliff Football Stadium in Odessa Tx
Senior retakes will be tomorrow, September 28th in the library. If you were absent on picture day or if you are new to our school since picture day, please plan to have your picture taken tomorrow. Also, if you want to retake the picture that was taken in August, there will be a $10.00 charge and you must return your picture packet on the day of retakes. Girls, please remember to wear a cami under your collared shirt, and boys, please remember to wear a white t-shirt under your collared shirt.
over 1 year ago, DISD
Demon football live on YouTube tonight! Pre-game show starts at 6:10pm. Kickoff at 7PM.
over 1 year ago, DISD
DHS yearbook! 10% off purchase by September 30th. Go to and enter the school code: 1016527386631995
over 1 year ago, DISD
Order promotional image for the 2023-24 DHS yearbook
Reminder: Parents, A meeting tonight (Tuesday Sept. 5th) at 7 PM for Project Graduation 2024 in the Dumas High School Cafeteria.
over 1 year ago, DISD
Demon football is live on YouTube
over 1 year ago, DISD
Dumas Demons
If you can't make the game tonight you can watch it on the DISD YouTube Channel. Go, Fight, Win!
over 1 year ago, DISD
Dumas Demon Football Youtube @DumasISD
Students, watch your school email for more information.
over 1 year ago, DISD
DHS Picture Dates
The 2023 Yearbooks have arrived. If you purchased a yearbook, you may pick it up on Wednesday or Thursday, June 21st or 22nd from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. in front of the auditorium. If these dates are not convenient for you, your book will be in the DHS Library starting August 3rd and you can pick it up then. If you did not purchase a yearbook and have decided that you want one, see your school email account for instructions on how to obtain a yearbook.
over 1 year ago, DISD
Photo of the front of Dumas High School
Congratulations Coach Tolleson, coach of the year!
over 1 year ago, DISD
Coach Tolleson poses with golden glove trophies at the Dumas softball field
We're thrilled to announce the new app for Dumas ISD! It's everything Dumas ISD, in your pocket. Download for Android Download for iPhone
almost 2 years ago, DISD
"It's everything Dumas ISD, in your pocket." News, Events, Documents, Staff, Alerts, and Dining.